FORUM Green Smart City - III Edition

FGSC III Edition - About / Program / Patronages/Sponsors / Conference materials / Previous edition



  About the Forum
Increasing air pollution is a serious problem in Poland and in the world. It poses a threat to human health and life. Statistical data show that tens of thousands die every year in Poland due to air pollution. According to the NIK report, Poland has had the most polluted air in the entire European Union for years!
In turn, according to the analysis of the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection, the state of air in the Małopolskie voivodship requires measures aimed at improving its quality, due to excessive sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide concentrations, especially high PM10 suspended particulate matter. The cause of air pollution in Krakow is, among others its unfavorable location, a large number of windless days and the construction of the city's ventilation channels. The problem is also insufficient information about the state of air pollution and the ways of its elimination. Therefore, it is necessary to undertake a wide open discussion by self-government authorities, scientists, experts and residents of Małopolska, the aim of which would be to make positive changes in thinking and make constructive decisions for air quality.

III Forum Green Smart City - a voice of science in the fight against smog - will be carried out in the form of discussion panels, preceded by introductory lectures. The moderator of the discussion will be Sławomir Mokrzycki from the Krakow TVP Center. Representatives of the voivodship authorities, the city of Krakow, municipalities of the Małopolska province, experts and scientists from Kraków's universities were invited to take part in it.
The first edition of the event gathered almost 400 participants (including starostas, mayors, commune heads, employees of Municipal Offices responsible for environmental protection and agriculture, activists for environmental protection, students, high school students) from all of Małopolska (poviats: Wadowice, Cracow, Suski , chrzanów, nowosądecki, nowotarski, oświęcimski, wadowicki, tarnowski, limanowski, myślenicki, brzeski, bocheński, proszowicki, miechowski, wielicki, tatrzański).

The Forum is organized as part of the activities of the InnoTechKrak University Association - the first formal union of universities in Poland, created by AGH, Cracow University of Technology and University of Agriculture, whose goal is to strengthen the research and teaching potential of three Krakow universities.

The event was granted honorary patronage by the Rector of the University of Agriculture in Krakow - prof. dr hab. Włodzimierz Sady.

Organizing Committee

Prof. DSc Florian Gambuś - Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation of UR

Tomasz Szanser, MA - Chancellor of UR
PhD Tomasz Czech - Director of the Technology Transfer Center
PhD Barbara Kępys - Head of the Office for Science and International Cooperation
MSc. Mariusz Kwinta-Pudełko - Head of the IT Department
MSc. Izabella Majewska - UR spokesman
MSc. Joanna Pietras - Promotion and Information Office of UR
Jacek Okarmus, MA - Promotion and Information Office of UR

Scientific Committee

Prof. DSc Włodzimierz Sady - Rector of the University of Agriculture in Krakow

Prof. DSc. Krzysztof Ostrowski - Vice-Rector for Organization and Development at UR University
Prof. DSc Florian Gambuś - Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation of UR
Prof. DSc Sylwester Tabor, prof. UR - Prorector for Didactic and Student Affairs of UR
Prof. DSc Andrzej Lepiarczyk - Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Economics of UR
Prof. DSc Marcin Pietrzykowski - Dean of the Forest Department of UR
Prof. DSc Krzysztof Gawroński - Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy of the University of Economics
Prof. DSc Stanisław Mazur - Dean of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Horticulture of UR
Prof. DSc Sławomir Kurpaska - Dean of the Faculty of Production and Energy Engineering, University of Agriculture











Patronat honorowy:








Patroni medialni:













  Conference materials

   Prezentacja III Forum Green Smart City - plik .pdf

   A. Prokop-Staszecka - Jakosc powietrza a zdrowie - plik .pdf

   B. Filipek-Mazur - Rolnictwo w mieście - plik .pdf

   L. Kotulski - Smart lighting -nowe spojrzenie na oświetlenie uliczne - plik .pdf

   A. Baran - Ocena środowiskowego ryzyka zdrowotnego - plik .pdf

   G. Szewczyk - Leśnictwo w mieście - plik .pdf



Previous edition:

Forum Green Smart City  I Forum Green Smart City

Forum Green Smart City  II Forum Green Smart City

Forum Green Smart City  III Forum Green Smart City

Forum Green Smart City  IV Forum Green Smart City

Forum Green Smart City  V Forum Green Smart City

Forum Green Smart City  VI Forum Green Smart City


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